課程名稱 |
審議民主 Deliberative Democracy |
開課學期 |
110-1 |
授課對象 |
文學院 哲學研究所 |
授課教師 |
吳澤玫 |
課號 |
Phl7781 |
課程識別碼 |
124 M7670 |
班次 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期二7,8,9(14:20~17:20) |
上課地點 |
哲研討室三 |
備註 |
大學部:(C)哲學專題群組。 總人數上限:15人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
當代的審議民主思潮致力改善民主加總觀和民主政治實踐出現的問題。民主加總觀訴諸投票程序,並依據公民的現有偏好來做決議。相對地,審議民主論者關注投票之前的公共審議過程,要求公民必須提出理由來證成自己的立場,聆聽不同觀點,經過討論和理由的評估再做出集體決議。本課程將探討當代審議民主研究的規範理論內涵、微型公眾的審議實作,以及從民主政治整體來看待審議的系統取向。 |
課程目標 |
本課程將透過原典的研讀和論點分析,帶領學生瞭解當代審議民主的理論主張、審議實作模式及其面臨的批判和挑戰。此外也將透過課堂提問討論、口頭報告與書面報告之撰寫,提昇學生在表達、論證建構與學術研究方面的能力。 |
課程要求 |
[1-3週遠距教學]:因應疫情之防疫考量,前三週將採同步直播的遠距教學。教學會議室網址及遠距教學注意事項將在開學前於NTU COOL課程網頁(權限設為公開,網址為:https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/courses/7987)「課程內容」區第1週以附檔文件公佈。欲修課的同學請事先查看,並於上課時間準時進入教學會議室。第1週將進行口頭報告週次分配,未出席者無法修習本課程。
4.撰寫期末報告:須針對本課程之授課內容,自選研究主題,撰寫學術性論文。 |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
1.Bachtiger, A., Dryzek, J. S., Mansbridge, J., and Warren, M. E. (Eds.), (2018). The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
2.Bachtiger, A., Niemeyer, S., Neblo, M., Steenbergen, M. R., and Steiner, J. (2010). “Disentangling Diversity in Deliberative Democracy: Competing Theories, Their Blind Spots and Complementarities.” Journal of Political Philosophy 18, 1: 32-63.
3.Curato, N., Hammond, M., and Min, J. B. (2018). Power in Deliberative Democracy: Norms, Forums, Systems. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
4.Elster, J. (Ed.), (1998). Deliberative Democracy. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press.
5.Fishkin, J. S. and Laslett, P. (Eds.), (2003). Debating Deliberative Democracy. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
6.Gutmann, A., and Thompson, D. F. (2004). Why Deliberative Democracy?. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press.
7.Neblo, M. A. (2015). Deliberative Democracy between Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
8.Parkinson J. and Mansbridge, J. (Eds.), (2012). Deliberative Systems: Deliberative Democracy at the Large Scale. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
9.Thompson, D. F. (2008). “Deliberative Democratic Theory and Empirical Political Science.” Annual Review of Political Science, 11: 497-520.
10.Young, I. M. (2000). Inclusion and Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
11.John Gastil and Peter Levine, (Eds.), The Deliberative Democracy Handbook: Strategies for Effective Civic Engagement in the Twenty-First Century. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005.
參考書目 |
1.埃爾斯特(Jon Elster) 主編,(2010)。《審議民主》,李宗義、許雅淑 譯,臺北市:群學,2010。
2.蓋斯提爾(John Gastil)、列文(Peter Levine),(2012)。《審議民主指南:廿一世紀公民參與的有效策略》,國家教育研究院 主譯,劉介修、陳逸玲 譯,臺北市:群學,2012。
3.Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson,《商議民主》,(2006)。謝宗學、鄭惠文 譯,臺北市:智勝文化。
4.Bachtiger, A. and Parkinson, J. (2019). Mapping and Measuring Deliberation: Towrds a New Deliberative Quality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5.Benhabib, S. (Ed.), (1996). Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press.
6.Bohman J. and Rehg, W. (Eds.), (1997). Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
7.D'Entreves, M. P. (Ed.), (2002). Democracy as Public Deliberation: New Perspectives. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press.
8.Fan, M. F. (2020). Deliberative Democracy in Taiwan: A Deliberative Systems Perspective. London; New York: Routledge.
9.Fishkin, J. S. (1991). Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform. New Haven: Yale University Press.
10.Fishkin, J. S. (2020). Democracy When the People Are Thinking: Revitalizing Our Politics Through Public Deliberation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
11.Gutmann, A., and Thompson, D. F. (1996). Democracy and Disagreement. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
課前準備與課堂參與 |
35% |
應於課前仔細閱讀該週指定閱讀文本,並對其中觀點提出至少一個疑問、批判或延伸問題,於每週一晚上22:00前在COOL課程網頁「討論區」以發佈貼文方式繳交。此外,應積極參與課堂討論。如果無法來上課,須事先向教師請假。 |
2. |
口頭報告 |
25% |
1.每位學生選擇兩週主題做口頭報告,並選擇一或兩週主題,負責帶領問題討論。報告者須提供紙本綱要(3頁以內)。報告與紙本綱要的內容包括:要旨與論證、對論證的評估與批判、疑惑不解之處、值得進一步討論的延伸問題。 |
3. |
期末報告 |
40% |
針對課程內容自選研究主題,於第16週口頭報告研究主題與綱要,繳交期限為1/26(週三)22:00以前。報告須以哲學學術性論文的形式撰寫,格式依據《國立臺灣大學哲學論評》的論文寫作格式。篇幅:大學生4000字(英文2300字),碩士生6000-8000字(英文3500-4600字),博士生8000-10,000字(英文4600-5800字)。 |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/28 |
(1)Elster, “Introduction,” in Deliberative Democracy, pp.1-16.
(2)Bachtiger, et al., “Deliberative Democracy: An Introduction,” in The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Pp. 14-23. |
第2週 |
10/05 |
Gutmann and Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? “Ch1. What Deliberative Democracy Means,” Pp. 1-29. |
第3週 |
10/12 |
Gutmann and Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? “Ch1. What Deliberative Democracy Means,” Pp. 29-63. |
第4週 |
10/19 |
Gutmann and Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? “Ch 2. Moral Conflict and Political Consensus,” Pp. 64-94. |
第5週 |
10/26 |
Gutmann and Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? “Ch 3. Deliberative Democracy beyond Process,” Pp. 95-124. |
第6週 |
11/02 |
Gutmann and Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy?
(1)“Ch4. Why Deliberative Democracy Is Different,” Pp.125-138.
(2)“Ch5. Just Deliberation about Health Care,” Pp.139-159. |
第7週 |
11/09 |
Gutmann and Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? “Ch6. The Moral Foundations of Truth Commissions,” Pp. 160-187. |
第8週 |
11/16 |
Young, “Inclusive Political Communication” in Inclusion and Democracy. Pp. 52-80. |
第9週 |
11/23 |
Bachtiger, et al., “Disentangling Diversity in Deliberative Democracy: Competing Theories, Their Blind Spots and Complementarities,” Pp. 32-59. |
第10週 |
11/30 |
Thompson, “Deliberative Democratic Theory and Empirical Political Science,” Pp. 497-520. |
第11週 |
12/07 |
(1)Ackerman and Fishkin, "Deliberation Day," in Debating Deliberative Democracy. Pp. 7-30.
(2)Fishkin and Farrar, "Deliberative Polling: From Experiment to Community Resource," in The Deliberative Democracy Handbook. Pp. 68-77. |
第12週 |
12/14 |
(1)Hendriks, “Consensus Conferences and Planning Cells: Lay Citizen Deliberations,” in The Deliberative Democracy Handbook. Pp. 80-98.
(2)Levine, Fung and Gastil, “Future Directions for Public Deliberation,” in The Deliberative Democracy Handbook. Pp. 271-286. |
第13週 |
12/21 |
Mansbridge, et al., “A Systemic Approach to Deliberative Democracy,” in Deliberative Systems. Pp. 1-26. |
第14週 |
12/28 |
Neblo, “Form Follows Function,” in Deliberative Democracy between Theory and Practice. Pp. 15-49. |
第15週 |
1/04 |
Curato, Hammond and Min, “Systems,” in Power in Deliberative Democracy. Pp. 95-128. |
第16週 |
1/11 |
課程總結 / 期末報告綜合討論 |
第17週 |
1/18 |
專題研究/撰寫期末報告 |
第18週 |
1/25 |
專題研究/撰寫期末報告 |