開課系所: 化學系
課程名稱: 普通化學乙上(General Chemistry B )
課程編號: 203 101B1 班次04
授課對象: 心理系
上課時間: 每週三第34節(上午10:20-12:10)
上課地點: 新生大樓102
授課老師: 梁文傑 教授
General Chemistry
Chemical bonding and quantum theory (~ 5 weeks)
Thermodynamics (~ 4 weeks)
Chemical Kinetics (~3 weeks)
Chemical Equilibrium and Acidity (~3 weeks)
Ions in aqueous solution and Coordination chemistry (4 weeks)
Oxidation and Reduction; and Concepts of Electrochemistry (2 weeks)
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (7 weeks)
Hydrogen bonding and molecular recognition (~2 weeks)