The Science of Joyful Living 

Welcome to the Course Syllabus!

PLEASE READ IMPORTANT REGISTRATION NOTICE: This Spring 2022, Joyful Living will only be held online. While we welcome your interest, please note that this Course may not be suitable for all students. See points below and please make an informed and logical decision for yourself on registering for this Course at this time:

-This course requires "doing" things each week. So if you are overloaded with credits and already too busy, the Course may not be suitable.
-This Course is primarily about exploring and evolving the self, weekly wellness concepts, self empowerment and yoga and mindfulness. If you are not interested in this, the Course may not be suitable.
-If you are taking this Course because you think its an easy A or you need some credits, you may be surprised that it is not easy. If you do the weekly requirements, you will do well. However, as noted above, there are things to do; working on ourselves poses a different kind of challenge than a typical University course. You do have to engage in the material and engage in practices. If you are not taking the Course for these reasons and only for elective credits, there is a chance you may not connect, please be aware of this.
-If you have limited space where you cannot roll out a yoga mat, then please think about how you could access yoga practices each week.
-While videos are recorded, with online classes, there is a feeling that you can wait and do things later. If you let things pile up, it becomes very challenging and you will not maximize the benefits of the weekly experiential practices. If its difficult to keep, this also may not be suitable at this time. Of course there will be weeks when things are busier, however, the practices of the Course are actually intended to assist you during these times, so skipping them because you are too busy defeats the purpose how this Course can be beneficial for you.
-Each week the modules build and integrate with the next module. So it is important you engage in the Course from the very first week. Try not to miss anything!

If the above is not relatable for you, then please read on and thank you so much for your interest!



Course Description
Joy and love are intrinsically our authentic nature. However our life experiences, chronic stress and unresolved cumulative trauma can be a precursor to disconnection from our authentic nature and inherent strengths. In our pursuit of success and ‘happiness’, or the “good life” we have become bombarded from an early age with what seems like a societal mapping for success. This is often inclusive of responsibilities, tasks, and the pressure of doing and achieving more. Alongside this, environmental stressors such as digital overload, political instability, climate change and health pandemics can often feel overwhelming. Over time, our nervous systems become overloaded, taking a toll on our body, mind and spirit. Our physical and mental health may decline or our relationships and life satisfaction may deteriorate. At the end of the day (and life), will what we do and achieve matter if we are unhappy and suffering? What does the evidence tell us about creating a joyful, happy and meaningful life? This practice based, self-development course brings forth empirical findings and evidence based approaches for holistic wellbeing and a meaningful life. We explore diverse and integrated wellbeing constructs from the lenses of social work, positive psychology, and yoga and mindfulness. The evidence demonstrates how a balanced body, mind and spirit connects to overall life satisfaction. Students will explore and log about weekly practices and approaches designed to foster tools for holistic wellbeing. Students can learn new techniques and approaches to navigate the ebbs and flows of life’s daily stressors and challenges. This can prevent chronic stress and dis-ease and enhance resilience and wellbeing. This is more than an academic course, it is a journey of self discovery, self care and self empowerment.

This course is fully online and offers a unique transformative learning experience. Resources offered are from the lenses of integrative social work, positive psychology and yoga and mindfulness. Each week the students will watch recorded videos and audio. These will include instructor lectures of the topic, wellness practice videos of yoga, breath and other mindfulness practices. Also a variety of weekly resources and learning tools will be available for students to refer to. Weekly articles offer deeper insights into wellbeing topics and often summarize and give access to scientific evidence and research around the topic. While resources will include access to scientific papers, they will offer a more dynamic and interactive learning experiences for the students that may be more accessible and interesting. For example, engaging videos, particularly TED Talks, offering valuable highlights and tools of the wellbeing constructs or life experiences of speakers. Audio recordings will include podcasts, guided mindfulness practices and breathwork from experts. Websites will offer deeper examples and insights into topics as well as a depository of scientific evidence. Students have the option to dive deeper into these topics per their interest but will they not be required to access all resources under each topic. Some will be required and some will be optional. All resources are free and web based. Students will be required to have a yoga mat and yoga blocks to safely practice yoga.

I will also offer OPTIONAL live wellness sessions this semester. At least 2 virtual and 2 in person (to be held on lawn in front of main library). This is our chance to practice together and experience group chi :). I offer an experience that is inclusive of yoga, breathing, connection activities and small group and partner practices.

As you know, this is a self-development course. If you are currently experiencing physical and mental health disharmony and life challenges, you are encouraged to also access student counseling. This Course can be a support for you but does not replace counseling. The Professor is happy to support you in your efforts for wellbeing and is open to discuss and work with you. Students are encouraged to utilize Professor office hours for further clarification into Course materials, lectures, assignments or for any important matters. They can contact TA also.


本堂課是全線上的課程,並提供獨特的學習經驗。參考資料都與社會工作、正向心理學、瑜珈與正念有關。每周學生會看指定影片和聽音檔,包含了老師的講課、瑜珈練習、呼吸與正念練習。另外也有許多資訊和學習工具會給同學參考。每周參考資料的文章會讓學生更深入了解該周的主題,並讓大家了解更多相關的科學證據和研究。雖然有些資料會包含科學論文,但會提供更有互動性的學習經驗給學生。例如有TED Talks給大家參考、Podcast讓大家聆聽、專家學者的實際操作練習。也會有提供實用的網站(免費的)與科學資料給同學進行更深入的學習,因此學生可以在每周的主題上自由學習更多更深入的東西而非強迫。因為課程有瑜珈的練習,因此需要同學自備瑜珈墊與瑜珈磚。

這是一個自我成長的課程,如果你正經歷身心痛苦與困難,很鼓勵您來參與本堂課,但本堂課不會心理輔導中心,因此還是鼓勵同學可以前往心理輔導中心。教授非常榮幸可以在大家為自己身心健康努力的同時助一臂之力,歡迎同學利用老師的office hour來和老師談更多課程資料、講課內容、作業等等與課堂有關的重要資料。同時也歡迎與助教聯繫。 

Students will be able to:
1. Distinguish between the variety wellbeing constructs
2. Reconnect with personal strengths, strengths based perspectives and tools to build resilience such as the growth mindset and meaning making
3. Utilize a variety of breathwork practices to regulate and manage stress systems
4. Explore and increase awareness the interconnections between mental, physical and spiritual health
5. Bring greater awareness to personal stress factors and others patterns which may be limiting positive growth and wellbeing
6. Incorporate self-care techniques for stress reduction, personal and professional wellbeing.
7. Demonstrate basic understanding of stress and trauma’s neurobiology, manifestations and holistic health sequalae
8. Experience a variety of yoga and mindfulness tools and techniques for overall health balance
9. Build greater emotional agility and regulation to b resilience when facing life challenges.
10. Explore the healing aspects of nature and environment have
11. Foster spiritual strengths and life meaning while increasing gratitude, kindness, compassion, empathy and social connections.


Each module will be worth points which the student will earn through a weekly student submission. The student submission entails: short evaluation / reflections about the topic, practice experience, required resources and weekly wellness practice. While there is a weekly student self reflection involved, the required minimum length is not heavy.

Each week, the students will submit to NTU Cool by the following Wednesday at 11:59pm to avoid late penalty. Students can still submit by the last day of the Course but late penalties deducted throughout the time, so the sooner to the due date the better. Each day late a small percentage is deducted from NTU Cool.

Evaluation criteria for student submission includes:
1) Responsiveness to submission/ wellness practice requirements
2) Original thoughtfulness/self-reflectiveness week to week
3) Timeliness (NTU Cool will deduct late penalties). Late submissions are allowed until the end of the Course. No submissions will be accepted after the final day of class.
4) Submissions should be in English. Mandarin will be accepted, but will need an English translation following Mandarin part.
5) If you are caught recycling (copying and pasting) weekly submissions, you will lose those points entirely and will not have the chance to earn them back.
6) No student submission will be accepted by TA's and through TA emails.
7) Video watch statistics will be monitored and factored into your points accordingly. If you are not watching the videos, you will lose points for this.



每周學生需要將上述提及的內容上傳至NTU COOL,繳交期限是隔周的星期三23:59,超過此期限仍然可以繳交作業,但是遲交作業會扣除一定的分數,且遲交越久扣得越多,因此即使你遲交了,還是盡早完成作業比較好。

3).作業繳交準時程度 (遲交將會扣分),在整個學期的課程結束以前都可以補交作業,但在課程結束後將不再接受任何補交
5).如果被抓到將作業回收再利用 (抄襲或是複製貼上以前的作業),該項目以0分計算,且不會有任何補救機會
6).不接受將作業內容email給助教的方式繳交作業,作業繳交與補交請一律透過NTU COOL
Office Hours
備註: Please email Professor directly to arrange an online appointment.  
The required resources often entail short research summary articles, short videos, podcasts, and TED Talks. There are no textbooks for this Course. All resources will be available on the web at no cost. Students will need to purchase a yoga mat and 2 yoga blocks. Please expect the following the expenses for this Course: 2 Yoga Blocks, 1 Yoga Mat.

我們沒有教科書,所有資料會顯示在ntu cool課程網站上。學生需要購買一張瑜珈墊和兩塊瑜珈磚。 
Week 1
2/17  Module 1: Embrace Wellbeing
Overview: We aim for a happy life that is filled with contentment and overall wellness. But is happiness overrated? How is joy different? Current evidence points out that wellbeing constructs such as meaning and purpose may be just as valuable as looking for happiness. Meaning and purpose in life brings motivation and a sense of direction that feels good for us. This introductory session gives course information. It also deconstructs the key elements of what may be the good life.

Theory Learning Outcomes: Overview of Course Wellbeing Constructs & Key Approaches; Expectations, Requirements

Practice Learning Outcomes: Safety in Yoga Practice; Diaphragm Breath; Breath to Movement; Reflect on Positive Moments 
Week 2
2/24  Module 2: Explore Yoga and the Essential Lifeforce
Overview: Yoga means to yoke, or unite body, mind and breath. It is a practice of body-mind-spirit wellbeing. Asana (postures) help to dive deeper into the body’s intelligence as well as flexibility. Pranayama practice (breathwork) practice allows the mind and body to connect and helps to create balance in the nervous system. Mindfulness and meditative practices are also included and adapted into the various styles of yoga. This session explores the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of yoga and breathwork and accessible tools, techniques and practices.

Theory Learning Outcomes: Yoga as Process of Self Development Prana essential lifeforce cultivated from breath

Practice Learning Outcomes: Pranayama (Breath and Lifeforce as a Stress Management Tool); Joint and Spinal Warm up 
Week 3
3/3  Module 3: Grow your Strengths & Resilience Overview: We all have inherent strengths we are born with, foster and develop and even initiate and discover throughout life. However, due to the programming from our environment, community, cultural and societal norms, some maladaptive messages become instilled in us. We can start to feel inadequate or “not enough” (not good, smart, pretty, man enough, etc…).Alongside this, unresolved trauma and chronic stress and lead to focusing on what we think we lack (our deficits) as we try to meet many expectations. In this session, we explore shifting from deficits to a strengths-based approach to build resilience. We explore tools such as intention setting, growth mindset and the power of visualizing our goals and best selves.

Theory Learning Outcomes: Strengths Based Approach, Growth Mindset

Practice Learning Outcomes: Enact Intention Setting, and Visualizing Goals & Best Self 
Week 4
3/10  Module 4: Connect Body Mind Spirit for Self Care & Stress Management
Overview: Humans consists of physical, mental/psychological, social, spiritual and environmental domains which all interconnect with each other. In this session, we explore this interconnection through the Integrative Body Mind Spirit social work approach to health and wellbeing, self care, and “distress” reduction. This framework promotes a bio-psycho-social-spiritual holistic model of health, and blends Eastern & Western modalities of health and wellbeing. From ancient wisdom such as Daoism to modern evidence of neuroplasticity, it is clear that to achieve health balance, life harmony and trauma transformation, a combination of body mind and spirit self care practices are vital.

Theory Learning Outcomes: Neurobiology & Holistic Impact of Stress; Integrative BMS Theory

Practice Learning Outcomes: Explore Embodiment; Activate your Holistic Self Care Plan 
Week 5
3/17  Module 5: Enhance Embodiment
Overview: Movement based activities such as yoga, exercise, athletics, and dance have long been known to be beneficial for our holistic health. Through the physical, we can become embodied, generally refers to feeling/sensing through the body. This connection into the body harnesses the body’s intelligence and a deeper body-mind-spirit connection. Moving the body can also be a mediator to stress and trauma release, as well as enhances our feel good hormones. In this session we will explore connecting to the body. 
Week 6
3/24  Module 6: Experience Mindfulness & Meditation
Overview: Mindfulness, moment to moment awareness with self-kindness and non-judgment is foundational practice for meditation. Meditation can take different forms and focus on the breath is usually involved. Meditation can build new neural pathways to feel more focused, less reactive, and less stressed. We can develop patterns for wellbeing. This session discusses mindfulness and meditation and how we can cultivate it in our lives in order to live with more clarity, wisdom, and embodied attention. 
Week 7
3/31  Module 7: Rewire, Reframe & Reauthor your Story
Overview: This session discusses ways to shift out of a deficit narrative into one of strength. Negativity bias, limiting beliefs of ourselves and life circumstances can slide into a deficits focused narrative that often gets repeated. Often, how we perceive these stories do not serve our best interests and may prevent our strengths from flourishing. Words and meaning have power, and learning ways to reframe or reauthor our story can be an empowering and transformative process to counteract our limiting beliefs. Also, specific pranayama and yoga practices can balance our brain hemispheres and evolve conscious connection into our authentic selves. We can begin to rewire and rewrite our life stories into ones of survival, courage and empowerment. 
Week 8
4/7  Module 8: Regulate Emotions with Self-Compassion
Overview: ometimes life is hard-can you be kind to yourself? Compassion means to be with others in their suffering, but how about being with ourselves during painful life experiences? Emotional agility is important in regulating emotions and accessing resilience within stressful, adverse and challenging situations. This session explores accepting, learning and embracing emotions with self compassion. Self-compassion is a critical factor to bring light to our shadows and life’s dark challenges. It can increase our emotional agility to better regulate emotions and navigate life’s hardships. 
Week 9
4/14  Module 9: Find Freedom with Forgiveness
Overview: Forgiving ourselves and others may play a huge role in life in cultivating balanced wellbeing and health, empathy, adaptability, spirituality and happiness. It can be a learned skill as a behavior as well as an emotional release of burdens and toxic anger and resentment. This session explores how forgiveness can increase self love and decrease self judgement leading to peace, joy and true contentment. 
Week 10
4/21  Module 10: Demystify Spirit & Awaken Conscious Energy
Overview: Both scientists and spiritualists believe there is a vibrant frequency throughout us and the universe. Finding our spiritual selves can be broad ranging journey with several components including a greater sense of self, a deeper understanding of life meaning and purpose, or simply being a kind person. Spirit consists of energy, which is in everything and is everywhere. In this session, we deepen our exploration into lifeforce (Qi, Prana) energy and its contribution to our wellbeing, focusing on Qigong and Taoist Yoga to cultivate Qi and enhance our spiritual connections. 
Week 11
4/28  Module 11: Heal and be Awed by Nature
Overview: A sense of “awe” and nature’s healing properties promote wellbeing, and transcendent states of something greater than ourselves. Awe is generated from profound experiences such as magnificent landscapes, a heroic story, art and spirituality. Nature can literally heal us as evidenced by how trees and their phytoncides help to regulate physical and emotional health. Forest bathing can inspire a deeper connection and unification with nature. In this session, we rewild, forest bathe and be awed by nature. 
Week 12
5/5  Module 12: Evolve a Gratitude Attitude
Overview: Giving thanks for what we do have can be a liberating aspect from suffering. Gratitude or “being thankful” is another common wellbeing construct that is backed by research and has gained wide popularity. This session discusses gratitude as a wellness practice. A means to gratitude is recognizing our blessings instead of focusing on what we lack. This can enhance our capacity to experience wellness and joy. 
Week 13
5/12  Module 13: Unlock Flow, Creativity & Motivation
Overview: Attaining a state of flow can unlock great potential of creativity and motivation, with ease and less struggle also known as effortless action or being in the zone. Achieving a balanced state of health through practices like focused centering, mindfulness, meditation and yoga is helpful. Also accessing the superpower of sleep and deep relaxation can open channels of creativity and increase our motivation in all that we are connected to. Yoga nidra is an excellent tool to release stress and access deep relaxation and connection into our consciousness. 
Week 14
5/19  Module 14: Build Empathy & Social Connection
Overview: Meaningful connection brings joy into our lives and is a key pillar to wellbeing and elevating our spirits. This session looks into how building empathy skills can forge meaningful connections with others. In particular, empathy through mirroring, active listening and summarizing can be impactful to better understand others experiences. Receiving empathy can allow us to feel fully heard and seen and can be nurturing and supportive. Empathy is critical to human connection and feeling understood without judgment.
Unpublished. Click to publish Meaningful connection brings joy into our lives and is a key pillar to wellbeing and elevating our spirits. This session looks into how building empathy skills can forge meaningful connections with others. In particular, empathy through mirroring, active listening and summarizing can be impactful to better understand others experiences. Receiving empathy can allow us to feel fully heard and seen and can be nurturing and supportive. Empathy is critical to human connection and feeling understood without judgment. . Manage Meaningful connection brings joy into our lives and is a key pillar to wellbeing and elevating our spirits. This session looks into how building empathy skills can forge meaningful connections with others. In particular, empathy through mirroring, active listening and summarizing can be impactful to better understand others experiences. Receiving empathy can allow us to feel fully heard and seen and can be nurturing and supportive. Empathy is critical to human connection and feeling understood without judgment.
Module 14 Lecture Video
External Tool
Week 15
5/26  Module 15: Be Kind & Help Others
Overview: Acts of kindness and service to others are not only key social wellbeing constructs and practices but also can shape meaning and purpose in life. A desire to help others without expecting something in return is often referred to as altruism. Our neuroplasticity increases as we increase concern for others through our behavior, feelings and attitude. This session dives deeper into meaning and purpose through exploration of the pro social behaviors of doing good, being kind and helping others.